Our top 5 blogs for expert support during perimenopause and menopause

Our top 5 blogs for expert support during perimenopause and menopause

For over 20 years, we've been advocating for the needs of menopausal women. Throughout 2023, we've been gathering valuable insights into the experiences and challenges facing women in the lead up to and during menopause. This year, we've taken an even bigger leap forward in our commitment of support by partnering with GenM. GenM is a menopause movement aimed at educating families, workplaces, retailers and brands to better support women at this crucial stage of life. You can read more about this partnership here 

Below, we've curated a selection of our most popular menopause support blogs. We hope these resources empower you with the tools to navigate menopause with more confidence, self-awareness and ease.  

1. Menopause and vaginal dryness: How AH! YES can help! 
Caused by a natural change in estrogen levels, vaginal dryness affects up to 80% of people going through menopause and around 90% of post-menopausal women! If you’re facing vaginal dryness, discover how AH! YES can help to alleviate discomfort, rehydrate dry intimate tissues, and improve sexual function.   


2. Natural remedies for menopause: how to identify menopause-friendly products  

Over the counter menopause products

Struggling to find products that meet your needs during perimenopause and beyond? You’re not alone. More women than ever are searching for effective home remedies for menopause symptoms. But research shows that just 45% of menopausal women find it easy to shop for products that meet their needs. Take a look at our top tips for identifying menopause-friendly products.   
3. Will I still go through menopause after hysterectomy? Exploring sex and menopause symptoms after hysterectomy. 
If you or someone close to you has undergone a hysterectomy, you may have questions about sex and menopause. Life after hysterectomy can be a difficult and confusing time. For others, it might have provided the relief you've longed for. Whatever your experience, we've put together some common FAQ's to help you navigate sex and menopause after hysterectomy.     
4. Menopause and mental health 
Hot flashes, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, weight gain; sound familiar? These are just a handful of the physical symptoms that can happen during perimenopause and menopause. There is, however, a host of other emotional and psychological symptoms that are often overlooked. Menopause is a major life event, and navigating this complicated road with little signposting can be frustrating and lonely. So how exactly can menopause affect your mental health, and what can you do about it?    

woman holding mug in her hand looking out of the window

5. The Menopause Support Guide for Men, with Diane Danzebrink 
Diane Danzebrink, menopause therapist and founder of Menopause Support (a non-profit support service for individuals, professionals and businesses) shares her top ten tips for helping your partner to understand menopause. Read the Menopause Support Guide to Understanding Menopause for Men.  

Check out our menopause support page for more helpful information and resources.